4K7Z Radioclub

Amateur Radioclub in Azerbaijan

Our Members

4K5D - Igor

The head of 4K7Z Amateur Radio Club Station

4J6D - Andrey

I am Amateur Radio LEO satellite communication enthusiast and VUCC and DXCC chaser : so LOTW confirmation preferred. For Paper QSL direct/buro please contact Rashad DC9RI, I operate from 2 grids: LN40XJ/LN50DI

4K6Z - Andrey

4K6Z. Ex Callsings: UD6DAZ, 4K6DAZ

DC9RI - Rashad

I am QSL Manager of 4J6D, 4J7FM, 4J9Y, 4K0HQ, 4K1AZI, 4K3M, 4K5D, 4K5RA, 4K6AG, 4K6DAZ, 4K6Z, 4K6DI, 4K6MAR, 4K6FO, 4K6RMA, 4K75V, 4K0STAYHOME, 4J0STAYHOME, 4J8FTDM , 4K8FTDM, 4K6EH, 4K100TC , 4J100TC, 4J100HA and 4K100HA. I am also QSL Manager of Azerbaijani National QSL Bureau. The necessary information has been additionally updated on IARU website. Please inform your local QSL Bureau Managers, so they can send QSLs to 4J and 4K HAMs not having a QSL Manager directly to my address in Germany

4J9Y - Denis

Also KJ9NM. The creator of this webiste. Interested in Crypto Minig. Ex callsigns: UD6DCT, 4K6DCT, 4J9NM, 4JA9NM



4K6GF - Josef. One of the founders of our Radioclub


4J7FM - Mehti


UD6AS - Anatoliy